Bryggede historier

Bryggede historier – En lydvandring på Carlsberg er en samling anekdotiske overraskelser og historiske fortællinger helt tilbage fra tiden, hvor J. C. Jacobsen grundlagde Carlsberg på Valby bakke ved København. De historier, du her kan høre, er først og fremmest blevet til på baggrund af samtaler med flere generationer af bryggeriarbejdere. Men også med hjælp fra arkivarer, pedeller og andre personligheder, der har været eller stadig er en del af området.

Brug kortet nedenfor, som også kan også downloades HER


Lydvandringen er lavet i samarbejde med Rikke Vagner,

med støtte fra Ny Carlsberg Fondet, Valby lokaludvalg og Vesterbro Lokaludvalg

Brewed Stories

Here, you are able to listen to the audio walk “Brewed Stories”, which is a collection of anecdotal surprises and historic narratives, about the Carlsberg factories.

The map can be downloaded HERE

About 'Brewed Stories'

Since the Carlsberg area was opened to the public in 2009 it has provided the framework for many different activities and for people of all ages. When moving around the area today, one may notice that a whole new part of the city is being created in the middle of Copenhagen. In between the new buildings, however, the old buildings are still standing proud as a witness of what the place used to be.

With this audio guide we are putting focus on some of the many stories that the area holds. The stories are a result of conversations with several generations of brewery workers, as well as with the help of archivists, janitors and other prominent personalities that have been or still are a part of the area.

The audio guide is produced by Eva Kinch Hall and Rikke Vagner, for more info, please contact:


En lydvandring i Fuglekvarteret, Nordvest


En dialog mellem to chatrobotter